About Us

QQ Story

The father of the founder has been an apprentice in a noodle shop since he was 13 years old. Hence, he accumulated experience to make traditional hand-made noodle and pursued his own journey of making noodle. In 2008, the founder inheritance the learnings of his father’s traditional hand-made noodles and became the second generation in making traditional hand-made noodles. In 2009, our founder build and founded his own brand called QQ Famous Noodles. While running the company, the founders faced challenges and overcome with steadfast determination to build the company. There is a saying “the first step is always the hardest” quoted by the founder from his experience building the company. Our founder insisted on using the method inherited from the father to move forward, so that more people can enjoy QQ handmade noodles. Four years later, the founder’s sister joined the company to help expand and grow the company.

QQ Famous Noodles is a professional hand-made noodles, mainly providing fresh noodles to frozen food merchants. With the continuous development of the company, QQ Famous Noodles is becoming more and more popular, and some customers from distance places are willing to buy them. However, because the shelf life of fresh noodles is short, this was one of the founders challenge. After multiple R&D on preserving the noodles freshness and shelf life they came across vacuum packaging as the best solution in order to prolong the shelf life of the noodles. The deliciousness and chewiness of the noodles is able to be maintained. With vacuum packaging technology, our QQ Famous Noodles can be enjoyed by customers from places near nor far. In order to maintain people’s health and well being, QQ Famous Noodles do not add any additives and preservatives, only aseptic vacuum packaging technology is used to keep the freshness of the noodles. People from any place can enjoy our healthy, delightful noodles every day.

noodle making


Our QQ Famous Noodles insists on using high-quality flour and hand-made noodles. We are very strict on the requirements of our hand-made noodles, as we strive for the freshness and chewiness of QQ Famous Noodles.


Keep 50 years of original QQ Famous Noodles’ taste for all Malaysians to enjoy this traditional QQ handmade noodles.
